Friday, January 16, 2009

Act Against the New CPSIA Lead Law

Many of you are probobly already familiar with the new CPSIA act that will lower the lead content in products for children 12 and under. This act is a perfect depiction of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Mattel introduced parents to the fear of lead last year when it came out that many of their products had dangerous levels of lead in their toy's paint. These hazardous products were created in China.
Who wouldn't want their child to be protected from these dangerouse materials? We all want our children safe. Unfortunately this act is going to do damage of it's own. There are clearly far better ways to handle the risks.
Lead is known to attack the central nervous system and effects the neorotransmitters in the brain. It can cause learning problems, behavioral problems, anemia, seizures and even death. The ones most at risk are young, poor, under-nourished children.
Here's an idea for the government. . .feed the poor. Lower the risk. Undernourished children in our country, with all of it's wealth and resources, just should not happen.
If the concern is real and founded, then Mattel should be the first company on the government's chopping block. Sadly, they aren't under fire at all. Instead, the mom and pop shops that sell you discounted used clothing and used books to read to your child are being hit very hard. Many small businesses and those who sell handmade items for children will go under as a result.
This act will affect our children's central nervous system too. It will affect their ability to access and obtain knowledge. Many used books and learning materials will be disposed of in a Government landfill. This Law will create learning problems, and the ability to know and explore history through those old and precious books. Ignorance is a key contributor to bad behavior and without these resources we can expect a good amount of ignorance. It will weaken our country's foundations and strength. It will belittle our freedom and culture. It will shake our economy worse than any seizure could and lead to the death of many fine businesses.
On February 10th, 2009, many stores will close their doors for the last time. Their American dream will become a nightmare. We have an obligation as parents, consumers, and Americans to come to their defense.
Please take action along with me and many others. Get involved. Here is what you can do to help:
1. Write your representive. Use these links if you need to find out who they are:
2. Sign the petition to ammend this law at:
3. Write a comment at:
Or call Nancy Nord direct at 301-504-7923
4. Vote to ammend the law at:
5. Tell others the huge ramifications of this ill-plannned law. Get the word out. There is power in numbers.
If you want to know more, you can click the button in my sidebar that will take you to another site full of resources on this issue. If you are a blogger like me you could even pick that button up and place it on your blog.
If you happen to be a small business owner affected by this, if your creativity and skills are under attack, know that you are surrounded in prayer. Prayer is active and it has a way to move behind doors that you and I could never get past. It can reach places and people we will never know, and prayer can change things when the view looks hopeless.
(There is also a class action suit starting up on Facebook. The cost is $100-$200/company represented. This could get ugly.)
When the tidal wave of doubt and fear hits, remember Who calms the storm.

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